December News 

This is the time of the year when I look back and celebrate

the times I spent with you all at workshops throughout the year.

Thankyou for coming and exploring the possibilities of paper and books with me.


There were workshops here in my studio.

The highlight for me was the three day workshop which culminated

in making our books from paper we made on the first day.


An invitation to work with the PAGE group in Bairnsdale was a delight too. Their books are pictured above.

The Papermaking workshops at the Papermakers Stable Studio were wonderful as well.

Workshops 2019

If you are wanting to learn the skills of papermaking this workshop is for you early next year.

  Perhaps someone will give it to you as a Christmas gift.

                                                                                                               Beginner Papermaking


Date & Time: 10 Feb 2019 - 10:00 AM - 04:00 PM
Cost: $80.00 for members, $100.00 for non-members.

Tutor: Barb Adams

PLEASE NOTE Fees for this workshop $80 members and $100 non members

This workshop will introduce you to the skill of hand papermaking with recycled pulp of different colours.
You will learn about the preparation and choice of materials for pulp, how to form a sheet of paper and the pressing and drying of your paper.
Pulp will be provided by the tutor.
This workshop would also be suitable for papermakers who can make paper and want to extend their skills.

Other workshops I am planning for next year

JUST INDIGO with paper & A BOOK

FOUR BOOKS IN ONE DAY  - exploring book structures




Please send requests if you have something special you would like to learn or have a group of friends for whom you would like a workshop run.


Visit my web site for more images and information about other workshops I run.

Please pass this newsletter on to interested friends or

unsubscribe if this is no longer of interest to you.

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Box Hill, Victoria, Australia.