Papermaking Workshop

Paper post 05/2016

This workshop will introduce you to the delights of making paper by hand.  You will learn about suitable materials for making the pulp, how to form the sheets and how to press your paper.  You will make different coloured paper and wet emboss a sheet or two of paper.

Cost: $70

Materials Fee: $5

Date: Friday 15th July

Time: 10am – 3pm

BYO lunch, tea and coffee provided

Venue: 55 Woodhouse Grove, Box Hill North 3129

Too Good To Write In

Jounal page Sewn over tapes
Adding Content to a Blank Book

Many people have said to me that they have a precious book that they have made or been given and it is –


commission journalThis workshop invites you to bring a blank book that you would like to start working in.

Treat your blank book like an invitation. Enrich the pages, add colour, pattern and texture. As Dorothy Simpson Krause says, ‘Your book will begin to sing, beguile, soothe and excite.’ The complexity you add will make your pages richer.

This workshop will teach you ways to add content to an already bound book. We will start working in the book, preparing the pages for added content. With guidance, you will be encouraged to cut windows in the pages, add colour and remove some pages to make way for other inclusions. Before you come, give some thought to how you might use your book. Will it be a travel journal, a recipe book, a daily journal, a book of wise words – your own or someone else’s –  or a book in which to record some of your family history.

Tuesday 5th July 2016

10 – 4

Box Hill North

$70 plus $8 materials fee.

Most materials provided.  Bring your blank book.

BYO Lunch Tea & Coffee provided

Book Now

The Book Is The Art Workshop



This is a two day workshop with the option of a further day to be set at the workshop.

No white paper will be visible at the end of this exploration of paper and its surface possibilities. There will be opportunities to make your own paper and work with a variety of commercial and handmade papers, enjoying the changes made with dye, stitch, print and resists. We will work with ‘collections’ as a starting point for ideas and inspiration. The resulting papers will be bound into a book or two in a range of styles which can act as a repository for special words or be an art work in their own right. This creative supportive environment will nourish your ideas and embolden your creative spirit.

You will be contacted after you have registered to help you decide what to bring as your ‘collection’

Date & Time: Tuesday 21st June & Saturday 25th June

Cost: $120 plus $8 materials fee

BYO lunch, notebook and collection

Venue: Barb’s Studio Box Hill

Book Now

New Workshop


Date & Time: Monday May 23rd 2016 – 10:00 am – 04:00 pm

Cost: $70 Most materials supplied

BYO lunch and hard cover book which you are prepared to take the text section out of and some small items you wish to cast your paper over. I have keys, spoons and other small items you can use too.

Venue: Barb’s Studio Box Hill North


This one day workshop is an opportunity to try some paper casting over interesting objects.  You will make suitable paper, cast the paper over your objects and make a box to display your artwork.  The display box will be made with a cover from a discarded book which you will transform into a box.  You will also make a book or two related to the idea of your subject choice to include in the box.

You may also choose to spend the day experimenting just casting paper.

You will learn paper casting, box making and simple book making.

 Book Now

Ready Set Go


Over tapesMake a journal and start writing or drawing in it.

This workshop will include the making a journal with hard covers and sections sewn over tapes.

Journal Over tapesYou will also learn some starting points for beginning to work on the pages.

Come with some ideas of how you might use your journal. Will it be a poetry book, an anthology, a travel journal, cookery book, somewhere to record the way you see the world in pictures or words?

When you have registered I will talk to you and suggest some things you may wish to bring to help you get started with your journal.

Each section will be sewn separately to accommodate later inclusions on the pages. The pages will be light weight art paper suitable for writing or drawing.


Cost: $70

Materials Fee: $10

Date: Monday 30th November

Time: 10am – 3pm

BYO lunch, tea and coffee provided

Venue: 55 Woodhouse Grove, Box Hill North 3129

Other details provided after registration.

Email Barb at if you wish to attend.


Journal Over tapesAdding Content to a Blank Book

Many people have said to me that they have a precious book that they have made or been given and it is –


This workshop invites you to bring a blank book that you would like to start working in.

Treat your blank book like an invitation. Enrich the pages, add colour, pattern and texture. As Dorothy Simpson Krause says, ‘Your book will begin to sing, beguile, soothe and excite.’ The complexity you add will make your pages richer.

This workshop will teach you ways to add content to an already bound book. We will start working in the book, preparing the pages for added content. With guidance, you will be encouraged to cut windows in the pages, add colour and remove some pages to make way for other inclusions. Before you come, give some thought to how you might use your book. Will it be a travel journal, a recipe book, a daily journal, a book of wise words – your own or someone else’s –  or a book in which to record some of your family history.

Tuesday 5th July 2016

10 – 4

Box Hill North

$70 plus $8 materials fee.

Most materials provided.  Bring your blank book.

BYO Lunch Tea & Coffee provided

Book Now

Papermaking Workshop

Is it time you put your hands in the vat and made some paper?


Decorative Paper
Decorative Paper
Wedding Paper
Wedding Paper

This papermaking workshop will teach the skills of wet embossing your paper and some ideas for using your paper as book covers or  shades for little lights. This is a workshop suitable for beginners or advanced papermakers.

embossed light shades                               Cost: $70

Materials Fee: $5 ( LED candle )

Date: Saturday 21st November

or Sunday 6th December

Time: 10am – 3pm

                                        BYO lunch, tea and coffee provided

                                Venue: 55 Woodhouse Grove, Box Hill North 3129

We did get together and print a book

What a great day everyone had here yesterday carving print blocks and printing.prints

The collection of prints looked wonderful in the beautifully made books.  Each book had a slip case to keep it safe.

A successful workshop.

printing booksprint workshop

Yesterday’s clever book artists

Two books in one day

Yesterday four clever artists made two books each, glueing, stitching and learning their way through the workshop day.  Some used beautiful papers they brought with them and one used handmade paper.  Thankyou for rising to the challenge ladies.


Mapping the Journey 3 Day Workshop

     Mapping the Journey


Artists Book 3 Day Workshop

Books and Storage BoxP1090355

Vade mecum: The Constant Companion

Vade mecum is Latin for ‘take me along’

This term applies to any gathering of pages(or book)

which is used on a daily basis and can be carried

on the person for easy reference.

Spend 3 days creating beautiful individual concertina books with attractive additions: envelopes, small books and stitched pockets will be part of your final work.

This book can be a repository for memories of trips past or those just a dream, a companion for the journey.

This wonderful three days will include:

   Learning how to make your concertina journal and prepare a          hard cover.  You will be given many ideas for including your    memorabilia.  Envelopes, small books and pockets. These may             be filled with your memories or remain blank for                                                      a future journey. 

              Making a box or slip case to house your book.

                   Jan Miller

Email me with questions of you wish.

Dates: Thursday 8th & Friday 9th October, Saturday 21st November

Class Fee: $375     Materials Cost: $12

Venue: Opendrawer 1158 Toorak Rd, Camberwell VIC 3124

(03) 9889 7227

Details and registration at :